Monday 22 July 2013


Shaklee Alfalfa Complex is a nutritional supplement that is made from naturally grown alfalfa plants. The leaves and roots of the alfalfa plant are a significant source of several nutrients, including calcium, phosphorus and dietary fiber. Alfalfa may also be an effective treatment for high-cholesterol levels. There are several medical conditions that preclude the use of alfalfa; consult a health-care professional before taking any nutritional supplement.
If you are pregnant or breast feeding, do not consume alfalfa. You should also avoid alfalfa if you have a condition such as breast cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer or uterine fibroids. Alfalfa may also cause the immune system to become more active, so if you have any auto-immune disease, avoid alfalfa consumption

Having a body with a balanced pH is important and has been the newest "rage" in the marketplace.  There are new MLM's popping up all over with the "latest and greatest" in green drinks. These companies are offering a line of expensive "green drinks" promising the moon in good health.  

Well, all of us who have been using Shaklee products for years are chuckling at the expense of these "new drinks".  We have had Shaklee's Alfalfa Complex for over 56 years and know the benefits of a product that assists our body in staying in the mid-range of pH.  Being a deep-root mature plant, Shaklee's Alfalfa has many trace minerals that are not found in younger, cheaper Alfalfa products. And Alfalfa is Alkaline so it helps offset the acidic effects of our diet and lifestyle.  

Shaklee’s Alfalfa Complex’s many beneficial qualities make it a popular supplement.  Alfalfa Complex is a Shaklee Signature Formula originally developed by Dr. Shaklee.  Dr Shaklee once made the statement that if he had to choose one product it would be the Shaklee Alfalfa Complex since it had so many nutrients and such a positive effect on our bodies.

Shaklee Corporation uses only the finest alfalfa grown in California, ensuring a wide range of nutrients, including calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium, as well as chlorophyll, bioflavonoids, trace minerals, and vitamins.  The plants are deeply rooted, 20 feet or more, and are mature plants at 5 to 7 years old.
Each serving provides 300 mg of calcium, about as much as in a glass of milkContains no fungicides, bacteriocides,No synthetic hormones, growth regulators.

No chemicals Natural source of alfalfa

  1. Nutritional Supplement

    • Shaklee Alfala Complex is a good source of calcium and phosphorus. A serving of Shaklee Alfalfa Complex contains 30 percent of your body's recommended daily calcium intake and 15 percent of your body's recommended daily phosphorus intake. Both phosphorus and calcium are important contributors to bone strength, tooth strength and proper muscle function. Calcium is also implicated in the secretion of enzymes, secretion of hormones and blood vessel function, while phosphorus helps maintain functioning of the kidneys, heartbeat regularity, and nerve conduction.

    Lower Cholesterol

    • Alfalfa, also known as medicago sativa, is an herb that is commonly used in folk medicine. According to the National Institutes of Health, alfalfa may be effective for lowering total cholesterol and low-density lipid (LDL) cholesterol in individuals with high cholesterol levels. Alfalfa works by preventing the gastrointestinal tract from initially absorbing cholesterol. Shaklee Alfalfa Complex contains 2.85g of alfalfa per serving.

    Other Purported Benefits

    • The National Institutes of Health indicate that there is insufficient evidence to determine whether alfalfa is an effective treatment for any other health problems. Despite potential claims of alfalfa retailers there is no evidence that alfalfa can effectively treat problems with any organ, asthma, arthritis, diabetes, upset stomach, or any other health condition.

Sunday 7 July 2013

5 Tips for Eating Healthy as a Family!

Did you know that March is National Nutri­tion month? I found that out this past week (along with a whole bunch of great infor­ma­tion on shop­ping, cook­ing, & eat­ing healthy with your fam­ily) while on a con­fer­ence call with Michelle Dudash, reg­is­tered dieti­cian, Cor­don Bleu-certified chef and author of Clean Eat­ing for Busy Fam­i­lies. Michelle has joined forces with the Wal­mart Foun­da­tion to help raise aware­ness about the impor­tance of nutri­tion edu­ca­tion.
In fact, the Wal­mart Foun­da­tion is giv­ing $6.7 mil­lion in grants to five national non­prof­its that are pro­vid­ing thou­sands of stu­dents access to school break­fast and nutri­tion edu­ca­tion to peo­ple of all ages. This is an impor­tant topic as only 25 per­cent of adults, and even fewer chil­dren, eat the rec­om­mended amount of fruits and veg­eta­bles each day!

Dur­ing our call, Michelle shared some great tips for eat­ing healthy as a fam­ily! So, here are the 5 top tips that I think are espe­cially help­ful in help­ing you shop, cook, and eat healthy:

Spring Clean Your Kitchen

As I’ve found with the pantry chal­lenges, it is MUCH eas­ier to meal plan when your pantry, fridge, and freezer are orga­nized. When I can see what I have, it not only saves time & money, but I’m more apt to cook well bal­anced meals because it’s eas­ier. Every­thing is con­ve­niently located and I know what’s in there. In addi­tion to get­ting the kitchen orga­nized, Michelle also sug­gests toss­ing items with “unclean” ingre­di­ents (lots of processed foods with words you can’t pro­nounce), sav­ing clear jars for great visual food stor­age, and show­cas­ing the pro­duce in your refrig­er­a­tor so you can see it!

Get Kids in the Kitchen

Kids are actu­ally much more likely to eat what they have helped pre­pared. I find that true with our boys. They often get really excited about what they’ve helped make and are always will­ing to try the end result. Thank­fully, our boys aren’t too picky and will eat a really nice vari­ety of food. But, I think this lit­tle trick would be great for those with kids who don’t like try­ing new foods or eat­ing their veg­gies.

Another sug­ges­tion is of course to make fruits and veg­gies fun for kids! We LOVE doing this. From rain­bow fruit muf­fin tin snacks & fun lunch ideas to Easter fruit bou­quets and “dinosaur trees” (what we often call broc­coli around here), eat­ing healthy can be really fun for kids (and adults too ;) )!

Eat “Clean”

If you can read the label and know the ingre­di­ents, then it is clean. If there are ingre­di­ents that sound like lab exper­i­ments, it’s not clean! So, make sure the food that your fam­ily is eat­ing is good for them by read­ing the labels as you buy and pay­ing atten­tion to the ingre­di­ents in your food. Don’t pur­chase things that have too many added ingre­di­ents that you can’t pronounce.

Prep Break­fast Ahead of Time

WAY too many kids and adults are not eat­ing healthy breakfast–or skip­ping break­fast alto­gether. To make start­ing the day off right with a healthy break­fast, you can actu­ally prep so many won­der­ful options ahead of time! Here are a few great ideas:
  • Hard Boiled Eggs. Eggs are a great source of pro­tein & very eco­nom­i­cal. You can boil a whole pot of them on the week­end to have handy through­out the week!
  • Use left­over veg­gies from din­ner. Instead of hav­ing to chop up items in the morn­ing, just save them from din­ner and pop them into scram­bled eggs, omelets, frit­tatas, or break­fast burritos.
  • Break­fast Sun­daes. Layer greek yogurt and frozen fruit like a par­fait the night before. Then, in the morn­ing sprin­kle on a lit­tle gra­nola or almonds! Super YUM!
  • Overnight oat­meal. This is SO easy. We’ve done just plain overnight oats and apple cin­na­mon overnight oat­meal. Super easy & you’ve got a hot break­fast ready to go when you wake up!

Meal Plan

Gah! I strug­gle with this! We some­times do great with meal plan­ning and then we’ll some­times go for long stretches with no plan in place. Hav­ing a plan def­i­nitely helps us stay on track with eat­ing healthy and sav­ing money! Michelle sug­gests plan­ning out how many din­ners you will eat at home each week on Sun­day. Make a meal plan and gro­cery shop around that. You can even make it easy and fun by doing things like hav­ing a baked potato bar night, cre­ate your own pizza night, taco bar night, etc. Plus, re-use your meal plans! Swap out recipes for the sea­sons, but keep it easy!

Thursday 4 July 2013

9 Simple Steps to Improve Your Health (Without Joining a Gym)

Ask a centenarian the secret ingredients to a long and healthy life and you aren’t likely to hear “doctors, drugs, and fad diets.” We all know that there’s more to our overall well-being than treating symptoms or the occasional replacement of a part. The good news is that scientists in various fields are discovering ever more ways we can keep ourselves healthy without expensive medication and complicated workout regimens. Here are nine simple, scientifically proven—and sometimes surprising—ways to empower yourself to make the right choices for your body and health. 

1. Laugh to your heart's delight

“Laughter might be one of the only things in life that can be done outside of moderation and still reap the benefits,” muses Dr. Michael Miller, director of the Center for Preventive Cardiology at the University of Maryland Medical Center. If you ever LOL you don’t need proof of the healing powers of a good belly laugh. Dr. Miller’s studies show that laughter expands blood vessels, and endorphins released in response to laughter activate the chemical nitric oxide in the inner lining of our blood vessels to promote vascular health. Seriously.

2. Age artfully

Digging the old paint brush or the dusty guitar out of the closet is always a good idea. However, for aging baby boomers, getting back into the creative swing of the rockin’ ’60s is a matter of health insurance. Research shows that seniors engaged in activities like singing, creative writing, or painting are healthier and happier than those who aren’t. Whether this boost in the immune system is from a heightened sense of personal growth or from feeling more socially engaged, it’s clear that the body likes it when the imagination roams freely.

3. Work with friends

When you’re shopping around for a job with great health benefits, pay attention to the office vibe. Israeli researchers found that people who get along with their co-workers in a friendly and supportive work environment live longer. Note: Similar support from the boss had no effect on mortality, so get acquainted with your peers before accepting the job.

4. Get a massage

You can never go wrong with a massage, but research shows significant benefits for overall health. Tiffany Field of the Touch Research Institute says massage therapy slows the heart rate and lowers blood pressure and stress hormones. The decrease in stress hormones increases your body’s natural killer cells, which ward off viruses, bacteria, and cancer cells. “We’re finding biological changes associated with a single massage session,” says Mark Rapaport, Chief of Psychiatry at Emory University School of Medicine. Added bonus for massages from loved ones: good for body, mind, relationship, and wallet.

5. Eat your carotenoids

It’s no secret that people feel good when they look good. New evidence suggests that fruits and vegetables, in addition to their many other benefits, give our skin a healthful glow. Scottish researchers found that eating lots of carotenoid-rich fruits and veggies like kale, cabbage, broccoli, tomatoes, peppers, or peaches gives our skin a slightly yellower tone, making us look—and feel—healthier and more attractive. If it works for pallid Scots, you know it’ll work for the rest of us.

6. Chat with the neighbors

People are healthier when they have a strong, localized community. A 50-year study centered around Roseto, Penn., a close-knit community of Italian-Americans, showed the lowest rates of heart disease in the nation—until the town became more “suburbanized” in the 1960s. Many people living in housing cooperatives report improved emotional and physical health. As social animals, having playmates is part of our survival strategy.

7. Sleep more

Become a dream catcher and stop being a weight watcher. According to researcher William Killgore, when people get less sleep they tend to feel more hungry and to crave carbohydrates, particularly sweets. “If a person feels excessively sleepy,” says Killgore, “it’s likely that they haven’t been getting adequate sleep and may be prone toward eating more than they want to.” If you’re plagued by frequent snack attacks, cure them with a good night’s sleep.

8. Scrub without toxics

There are alternatives to toxic household products like bleach. A University of Florida study found that a mixture of vinegar, lemon juice, and baking soda significantly reduces bacteria. Good Housekeeping microbiologist Gina Marino put it to the test and was impressed with how well vinegar worked in fighting germs and mold. Adding a little elbow grease on the tough spots helps keep your gym dues low.

9. Hope like your life depends on it

We know enough about anxiety and depression to drag us down for several lifetimes, but a truly uplifting new study by Harvard’s School of Public Health gives reasons to rejoice. “Happy and optimistic people with a purpose in life tend to have a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease,” says researcher Julia K. Boehm. So keep hope alive, but remember that in the words of the late, great Vaclav Havel, “Hope is not the conviction that something will turn out well, but the certainty that something makes sense regardless of how it turns out.”

Monday 1 July 2013

Coffee Secret

 Freshly roasted coffee beans don't grow on trees. So far, they assist importers like Sweet Maria's, occasional woody plant and restaurant Imports United Nations agency supply who occasional beans responsibly. (AFS), derived through the best quality unroasted coffee beans.

Even so, no matter kind of cooking its going to bear, it's planning to for sure use a far better style if compared to coffee beans that area unit full-grown chemically yet as alternative artificial substances. This makes a specially nice colleague gift if place you se|you place the bag in to a mug and put in an exceedingly little bag of homespun cocoa combine beside a spoon. Developed with all the inexperienced occasional extract to shed unimaginable quantity of fat and thin in an all natural method.

It tastes terribly smoky with a trifle of spiciness. go browsing to order your pack of inexperienced occasional Pure Bean Extract and acquire in form these days. Weight really falls alittle quantity, and also the original chemical composition has become altered.

The results counsel that GCA might probably be an efficient nutraceutical in reducing weight in pre-obese adults, and will probably be a reasonable method of preventing fleshiness in overweight adults. It's been a unending discussion whether or not occasional has so smart edges or otherwise. Follow-up aldohexose tolerance tests showed the method the inexperienced occasional extract affected their responses.

Food To Prevent Cancer

When it pertains to the question of whether or not you may get cancer, it typically appears that your fate may be a mysterious mixture of things removed from management. Everybody is aware of somebody UN agency preserved, drank Associate in Nursing Greek deity bacon day after day nevertheless loose an analysis. And lots additional dispiriting, we have a tendency to what is more recognize of us UN agency lived the virtuously balanced life merely to develop the condition. increase that the misunderstandings over what extremely is that the best thanks to avoid the large C. In truth, 3 at intervals four individuals believe you may realize such a lot of recommendations with regards to preventing bust, colon, respiratory organ along side cancers it's arduous to be told that pointers to follow.

The spot that presumably generates far and away the foremost debate? Knowing things fathom eat. There's such a decent quantity of contradictory analysis concerning foods and cancer it's nearly not possible to require into consideration any one definitive, coupled with keep all straight. Thus tips about the way to type by suggests that of myriad analysis, complete at the side of caveats and exceptions? Nicely, you do not, as a result of we have a tendency to did it for you. Self glided by to the professionals and scrutinized the newest analysis in outline the best cancer-fighting feeding on recommendation up to now. We have a tendency to additionally looked over the news on varied different life style factors like stress and exercise to come up with a guide that may facilitate cancer-proof your system from head over to toe. Yet first, a subscriber base that helps you to recognize what to assist forgo and things fathom fill through to. Let's eat!

Three ingredients to food on frequently
Cruciferous fruit and vegetables Broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower and kale square measure typical cancer-fighting stars within the turn out division, and plenty of studies have gotten joined those to a reduced risk for body part, respiratory organ and abdomen malignancies, says Lawrence Kushi, South geographical region. D., connect director for medicine with Emperor Permanente at intervals port, Colorado. Plus, analysis through Michigan Condition University at intervals East Lansing known that those who Greek deity natural or softly toasted cabbage and dish over 3 times weekly were seventy 2 % less possible to make breast cancers than those who had one. Five or maybe fewer servings. Consultants believe vegetables like cabbage incorporate chemicals that activate your system's natural purifying enzymes, Kushi explains.

How much to eat you can not have lots of, however all five weekly half-cup servings may be an inexpensive purpose.

High-fiber everything Fiber's capability to stay points moving seems to own a protecting result not merely on the colon (no surprise) however additionally on the breasts. Researchers at intervals Scandinavian country followed over 61,000 ladies and learned that people who consumed over four. Five servings of full grains regular had the thirty five percentage lower threat for GI tract cancer. as a result of soluble fiber speeds the passage of stool from the colon, cells have gotten less contact with probably malignant neoplastic disease pay. foodstuff might also sop high excess sex hormone and hypoglycaemic agent, 2 hormones associated with breast cancers.

Sunday 30 June 2013

How to De-Stress Your Experience Using Easy Experience Exercises

Stress reveals on encounters. generally it will appear as if a glance down and generally pressure makes us look exhausted, attracted, mad and discomfited. One issue certainly, after you enable pressure to perpetually impact your expertise, you're supposed for down-turned mouth space sides and a everlasting frown.

If you have got been requested, "Are you mad at me?" or "Did I say one thing that discomfited you?" you recognize that your expertise is without emotion wearing your feelings as a result of your grin has reborn profit down.

 You'll be able to quickly resolution your countenance with face calculate.

Skeptical? in all probability.

As you sit at your pc take observe of your expertise position.

Are you sanctionative focus furrows to form between your eyebrows? will the mouth space space expertise slack? Do your eye-brows expertise heavy?

Aging encounters ease as a result of the muscle tissue need bound motions to stay them firm. Discussion, performing, and having amusing will facilitate launch stress however sadly stale functions can begin to become obvious as you improve in decades. Couple that with stress from the world's pressures and every one of a sudden your expertise will look distorted.

The recent speech, "your expertise can keep that way" will become true. However we have a tendency to pattern and keep our encounters over a amount of decades and decades options to the planning that causes us to despair.

There is no reason to expertise desperate concerning your expertise. wish|we would like|we wish} to seem our greatest and we have a tendency to and that we want to expertise superb concerning ourselves however generally we let pressure, collections and a dropping expertise eliminate our assurance. All this will be eliminated after you invest simply many moments each day being sensible with easy exercises.

Working from the among to out your expertise will modify from recent, womanly  even seniors to seem lighter, stronger and positively less pressured.

How will this happen? Exercise generates atomic number 8 made blood vessels to the muscle tissue, the cells and stratum. This corporations your expertise with flow that pushes up the muscle tissue and revitalizes the shape and variety of your functions. In inclusion to seem down collections between the eyebrows, a greatly lined temple, a down reborn mouth space and perhaps lines, pockets, creases or jowls, and dropping muscle tissue, face calculate helps each space of your throat and skill.

Facial calculate will facilitate modify the approach you think that and skill concerning your overall look. employing a powerful strategy may be a bound fulfillment that you just square measure the knowledgeable of your destiny (face) which you wish not invest significant quantities of cash or stand up to bound threats to reinforce your overall look.

Using your thumbs, fingertips and white-colored pure cotton safety gloves one will quickly begin to reverse the planning of an aging expertise. putting forth the try works from the among out. finding out then victimization isometric ways includes anchoring, flexing and launching the face muscle tissue. This action makes improved flow in order that your muscle tissue and stratum enjoy the atomic number 8 made blood vessels.

The stress and pressure you expertise and see in your expertise could also be a profession responsibility. therefore why not begin a face physical exertion schedule as a profession monetary commitment in order that stress and pressure square measure reduced in an all natural approach. This suggests your expertise can now not seem firm and firm.

The process is simple, it takes solely many moments and in only days, you may see however the pressure that affects your expertise burns. you may look a lot of healthy, happier and even young as you re-train those tiny muscle tissue invisible below your stratum.

How Cardio Gets Rid of Cellulite

So far we've same that so as to induce eliminate adipose tissue you wish to try and do some sort of weight coaching and to extend the heaviness of the burden. The second issue I touched on was that the form of the kettlebell forces you to use muscles that you just commonly would not use with machine weights or dumbbells and barbells. The third issue you wish to try and do to induce eliminate adipose tissue you wish to try and do some sort of cardio coaching. this can be the main focus of this text.

So far we've established that we want to create muscle so as to burn fat and scale back that unwanted adipose tissue. we've conjointly established that the form of the kettlebell forces our bodies to use a lot of muscles - virtually which means that we tend to have gotten stronger quicker and burning a lot of calories and body fat faster. thus is there a necessity to try and do cardio? will we tend to simply do strength coaching exercises so as to induce eliminate cellulite?

Well the solution is affirmative and no. the good issue concerning cardio is that it burns lots of calories throughout the exercise. merely doing strength coaching alone won't burn constant quantity of calories as cardio throughout the session. nonetheless once the cardio exercise is finished you virtually stop burning any further calories. thus so as to continue, you wish to try and do a lot of cardio! If I had all the time within the world to run and run and do alternative types of cardio then this would not be a problem! though the question is, will cardio alone get eliminate cellulite? In my very own personal expertise, there was a time of roughly 1-2 years wherever I utterly stopped doing any weight coaching. i actually thought weight coaching created Pine Tree State 'bulky' and if I needed to thin I ought to simply target cardio. thus I switched my coaching sessions to walking, bike riding and therefore the occasional running.

During this point I really gained weight and that i noticed  a substantial increase in my adipose tissue. What was going wrong? This was simply before discovering kettlebells. i have to conjointly admit here that my diet wasn't the simplest at the time. thus a poor diet combined with some cardio exercises caused Pine Tree State to achieve weight and see a rise in my adipose tissue. after I started my coaching regime with kettlebells, i made a decision that it had been time to scrub up my diet further. for optimum fat loss a healthy diet is additionally a must! OK, thus with my kettlebells i used to be currently doing weights and cardio combined - killing 2 birds with one stone thus I now not required to pay forty five minutes on cardio and forty five minutes on weights, what I accustomed do at the gymnasium. i used to be currently travail around forty five minutes 3x per week and that i lost weight and saw definition that I ne'er had before. The results were wonderful. the good half was that i used to ben't large I was commencing to look lean and trim. the simplest half was that I might match into garments I ne'er might before.

"But fabulous you same 20mins 3x per week is all you wish, you were coaching lots more!" I hear you say. Since we tend to area unit discussing the requirement for cardio during this article, i'll in short bit on this here, however to provide it the justice that it deserves i'll be writing another article to clarify a lot of totally. thus keep tuned for that. decision Pine Tree State crazy however I did not believe that less is a lot of. actually I still believed that the a lot of I exercise the stronger and fitter i would become. thus I even needed to exercise 4-5 times per week with my kettlebell! i assume I might, if i actually needed to however I did not have to be compelled to. I found myself strapped for time more on in my coaching and reduced my exercise to twenty minutes 3x per week. This was simply before my physiological condition and this point I got stronger and fitter and that i was doing less. My body looked the simplest it ever had. that is all i am going to say here and can get in detail on this shortly.

So why is cardio alone not enough? the best resolution here is to seek out a sort of coaching that may increase your basal rate, the speed at that you burn calories once doing nothing in any respect. Doing hours of cardio alone is nice at the time. As you'll be able to burn a lot of calories throughout the session than simply weight coaching alone nonetheless once you leave the gymnasium or the running track, the additional calorie burn typically stops there. nonetheless once you do weight coaching it will last from 24-48 hours when you have completed your exercise regime. Weight coaching continues to burn further calories when the exercise as a result of the body has to repair itself from that exercise.

This means that you just will continue burning value-added calories while not doing something in any respect for ensuing 24-48 hours! conjointly the heavier you carry, the a lot of calories you burn! thus combining the 2 - cardio and weight coaching mistreatment the kettlebell as your tool could be a sort of metabolic coaching - virtually increasing your rate at rest. this suggests that once you do nothing you're burning calories - major calories. to place it differently if you may run with a weight in your hand - you may considerably burn a lot of calories than simply plain running alone! And you may burn calories long when the run owing to the value-added weight.